
Looking for games? WildTangent has thousands!

You are currently exploring our Help Center, where common questions have answers.
Are you looking for the best online PC games? Then head over to our website. You'll find all sorts of games; like card, match 3, adventure, arcade-style, and hidden object!
On the web site (or using our Games App) you can search in a variety of ways. In fact, look at the below screenshot and you'll see how many ways!




Looking for free to play games?

At WildTangent there are so many different options for playing games! 
Some of our PC downloadable games come with a free session! Click "Try Free" and follow the prompts. You'll watch an advertisement before the game starts, but that's just part of the bargain. 
We also have web games (browser games) which are free to play all the time! Play these online games as often as you would like. How are these games free? Thanks to the advertisements you will see on the game page.


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