
Cannot Connect to Internet or Cannot Connect to Server error

There can be a few different causes of this, and it is important to note which is your situation to resolve it.



Is your Games App acting like you are offline, but you are connected to the Internet?
This may be caused by out of date programs on the PC. With new regulations programs or websites that have e-commerce - like WildTangent - as of June 30, 2018, there are higher security requirements, for your protection.

So what does this mean, in non-tech talk?

If the PC is running Windows 7, 8 or 8.1 the PC needs to have the most recent version of Internet Explorer installed. Even if you do not use Internet Explorer, to use WildTangent (and many other sites and programs) just update Internet Explorer. You can head over to the Microsoft Support Site to do this:

If the PC is running Windows XP or Vista, it no longer meets the minimum requirements to use WildTangent or other online e-commerce sites.





If you experience the above error, we first suggest restarting your router. This helps refresh a new connection to your Internet Service Provider (ISP). After all lights on the router have gone out, wait at least 20 seconds, and then reconnect the power cord to the router.





If this is a screen you're seeing, that means you are not connected to the internet. Check your connection and make sure you're properly connected either wirelessly or wired. Be sure you're not in Airplane Mode if you're on a laptop. 


Additionally, these errors can occur when the firewalls are not configured properly. Various symptoms of an improperly configured firewall can include:

  • Unable to unlock a game
  • The Games App displays that it is "Unable to Connect" or "Cannot Connect to Server"
  • Unable to log into the Games App due to an Invalid Username/Password error, but can log into the website

For information on how to configure the firewall, please visit the Firewall Help page.

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