A K error message (including KServer, KClient, KHttp, KStatus, and WildCoins Error) happens when the computer is blocked from communicating with WildTangent servers.
Steps to resolve a "K" error message
Sometimes a quick reboot of the computer will with solve the issue, or you can reinstall the specific game.
Also, sign out of the Games App and our website, then sign back into the Games App and try again.
If that does not resolve the issue? The security software installed on the computer is blocking communication. The information sent to your computer from WildTangent is 100% safe, but sometimes the security software does not recognize what is being sent and blocks it. The result of this missing information is a K error message.
Do not disable your security software for any reason. Head to this article for configuring the security software on your computer.
But what about the "lost" WildCoins?
Send a request to Customer Support. Let them know the game name, the number of lost WildCoins, and that you've already configured your security software!
why does it take my wild tangent coins when there is a KClient error????????
Hi Ramona! Good question, and I'll be happy to explain. When you enter WildCoins to play a game, a "signal" is sent to WildTangent, and we remove the WildCoins from your account and send a "signal" back, telling the game to play. When you get a K Error (or WildCoin Error) the signal we send is being blocked; typically by the security software; so while it takes your WildCoins the game doesn't start. That's why its very important to follow the steps above for configuring the security software, and then submit a request to Customer Support - so we can help return any WildCons that were lost.