
Gameplay Error


The Gameplay error you are seeing means that the computer is being blocked from contacting the WildTangent servers. It's a non-specific error; just that something is stopping the game from launching. 
Most of the time, the quickest and easiest fix is.... rebooting the PC. Turning it off, and then on again. 
If that doesn't resolve the issue. Here are the next steps to try. Other customers have found that doing these steps, one at a time, and then trying the game, give them great success!
  • Get the most recent version of the WildTangent Games App. This article will help.
  • Still having trouble? Then you want to manually delete the game you are having this issue with. Here are those steps.
  • Still seeing the error? You'll need to configure the firewall. This Help Center Article will explain what a firewall is and offer suggestions on how to configure it to allow the game to play. After that? Reboot the computer (Yes, again) and then? Reinstall the game! That's it. 
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